What is white hat SEO?

In movies with a Wild West setting, actors would wear either black or white hats to give a simple visual cue to the audience as to whether they were playing the good guy or the bad guy. White hats were worn by protagonists, while black hats were usually found on villains.

SEO refers to the practice of “search engine optimization“. Search engines, such as Google, have a very complex algorithm by which they sort the returned results of a given search. How it works exactly is a jealously guarded secret, but we can conclude by inference that it is positively correlated to the number of visits and links to that site.

Since people rarely go past the first page of search results, the intention behind black hat SEO is to artificially inflate the search ranking of a website by using various methods that may or may not make any sense, and thus give the website a higher search result position than it deserves.

As you can imagine, this does not sit well with Google’s engineers. There are reported cases of people who managed to figure out the algorithm and use SEO to “game the system”, causing their website to rise to the first position of Google’s search results undeservedly. When this practice eventually gets discovered, Google has all mention of them stricken from Google’s general search results, which is equivalent to an online death sentence.

To summarize the above, we see why black hat SEO is such a bad practice, and overall a wrong attitude to have. It presumes that there are vulnerabilities in the Google search algorithm; these vulnerabilities can be exploited. However, it’s not a problem if it’s done in a “white hat” manner, which is the correct way to have a website rise the top of the search results.

There is only one way of doing “SEO” and that is to have a website chock full of unique material that people from all over the world genuinely up-vote, like, share, enjoy and recommend to one another. Everything else is a practice doomed to succeed briefly—before failing miserably.

Can I do my own SEO?

The search optimization for a company is a specialized strategy with many intricate aspects. Many business owners feel that they can assign this task to their employees while others feel it easy enough to do themselves. There is, after all, a lot of information on the internet; most of which is free to anyone who is willing to source it.

But can you do your own SEO? Or is there just too much to learn—and do—to make it viable. Should companies rather hire professionals to do their SEO, or is that a waste of money? Let’s explore the options you as a business owner or marketing manager have.

Be honest with yourself. If it were that easy, everyone would be doing it.

The skills that SEO requires

Blogging: So you read somewhere that blogging on a regular basis increases your SEO. Great! But how do you right blogs that actually generate traffic? What most people don’t know is that it takes at least 9 months of studying, and another 6 months of writing experience to actually get good at blogging. It’s a much better option to find a veteran writer who knows how to write compelling copy than trying to waste your own time generating poor results. Decent SEO companies emply such writers and keep them on staff exclusively for this reason.

Link building: You may think that link building is easy enough to understand. You read a few blogs about it and it makes sense. But link building is more than just posting your links on a bunch of websites. Relevance, popularity, trustworthiness and many other factors play a part in making sure search engines pick up your company website.

White Hat SEO: Most of the tips on SEO that are out there are the bottom level basics of optimizing your website. There are actually hundreds of various aspects to SEO that the average person doesn’t even know about. Much of SEO has to do with more than just landing pages and link building. There are designing and web developing aspects to SEO too.

Time constraints

In short, SEO is full of highly specialized strategies that change at a whim. Google is always adapting and implementing new ways to improve their search tactics. Keeping up with these algorithms is a full time job. No business owner could possibly have the time to learn, practice and implement all of the intricate details of SEO. The work that goes into search engine optimization takes more than just a few hours on the weekend, It is an ongoing, strategic battle that is only won by the best in the industry.

 Our advice: Hire a really effective company to handle your online marketing for you.

What’s the difference between IP and analogue surveillance cameras?

A question dwelling on the minds of many security conscious individuals is what the difference is between IP and analogue cameras. The short answer to that question is one word: resolution; but actually there is a much more intricate reason. Have a look at the following and find out if analogue or IP is suited to what you need.

Resolution differences

As you’ll be told by a professional, IP cameras—also known as IP network cameras—have a much higher resolution output than analogue. Higher resolution obviously comes in handy when and if you need to zoom into a subject in order to see it better. If face recognition is necessitated by your surveillance needs, the IP is definitely the way to go.

The costs of IP and analogue

The conversation that sparks the question, “What’s the difference between IP and analogue surveillance,” usually starts with a discussion about budget. Analogue systems are a lot cheaper than IP, prompting customers to wonder what the difference is and if they can get away with a cheaper system.

Well, there is a benefit to having analogue security cameras in your home or business premises. Analogue cameras actually perform better in low light. However, this is usually contrasted with the fact that small interferences can distort the signal quite easily. Analogue cameras are also not able to capture a wide view, whereas IP is quite capable of doing so.

How IP and analogue are transmitted

While analogue cameras capture footage in a format that is compatible with monitors and VCR, IP is a more modern digital signal which is transmitted into an encoded digital format. When your footage is digital, you can view it on a computer, the internet, or a handheld device.

Because IP has highly sensitive motion sensing capabilities, you will be able to identify an object, even if it’s moving fast. Fuel stations often use this type of technology to detect number plates, even if the vehicle is speeding away.

In conclusion

The benefits of IP are many, including high-tech motion sensors, remote access to footage no matter where you are, and even SMS sending when motion is detected (on some models). Analogue technology is over five decades old, making IP the more popular choice today.

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Internet videos – What’s next?

Did you know that there are currently PCs, Macs and laptops in production that do not contain disc drives in them? With the advent of USB flash discs, downloadable music websites and digital movie databases, the once hailed CD and DVD are slowly becoming more of an advertising product than an entertainment or educational one.

But there’s a new player on the scene that’s growing in popularity at a daily rate which has slowly started to replace this outdated medium:

 Video streaming – The next frontier in online audio and visual

Watching videos online isn’t new to us. However, being able to host your own videos on your own website is a concept that has far-reaching implications to your profit margins. Imagine being able to keep an archive of your video footage on your website and then having the means to sell those videos to your clients.

If you’re in the business of selling expert information, consultation advice or abstract methodology, then you’re in the market for monetizing videos to the public.

 How to monetize your videos

Setting up pay gates and forcing people to pay you before they can view your videos is a challenge of the past. Video streaming technology is now available to business owners who want to give easy access to their customers without all the hassles.

The system works in such a way that the video cannot be viewed or downloaded without rendering the asked-for fee first. Once the client has paid, there’s no complicated “Wait two hours for a link to be emailed to you” which ends up taking the client to another website. Rather, the video remains on your site, and the paying client can view it at any time.

 Corporate use – Maintain your video rights

It’s easy enough to post your videos on sites like YouTube or Vimeo, but once you do so, your video becomes the property of the site that hosts it. Hosting your video from your own website is the only way to retain the rights to your material.

 Time and money

Because the manufacturing aspect is cut out of this method of video distribution, the time it takes to make these videos available is severely reduced. Producing a series of DVDs, packaging them and distributing them, also costs a significant amount of money. Making them available on your website is a much more convenient method to keep your clients happy and your overheads at a bare minimum.

Is CD & DVD Marketing Outdated?

Alive and well

Far from being a dead horse, CD & DVD marketing is still a strong business in South Africa. Marketing companies are still punting this affordable option to their clients, which paints a healthy picture for the future of disc usage during the next few years.

Why is this medium of advertising still so popular among small businesses—of which there are so many in South Africa? Let’s look at a few of the benefits that disc marketing currently holds:


The Business Card hype is in such full swing, that people often loathe the inconvenience of having a stack of so many supplier cards for the sake of keeping contact details on hand.

Mini CD and DVD Business Cards are often preferred by small business owners for handing out to prospective clients. The reason for this is because of the tendency to NOT throw away something that is electronic, as opposed to something that is paper. Thus the client keeps the details for longer and doesn’t just chuck away ANOTHER worn out Business Card.

Timeless branding

In addition to the retention of a marketing disc, it’s a great way to keep your brand fresh in the mind of clients. Because the disc is printed with your custom logo and colour theme, clients get a perpetual reminder that your business is present.

Contact numbers, email addresses and website information are also available on the surface on the disc, and won’t wear away like a printed card would.

Expos and tradeshows

People who traipse the passages of tradeshows carry a bag of pamphlets, business cards, brochures and catalogues; only to throw most of that junk away when they get back to the office or home. When prospects get rid of the humdrum advertising they’ve been exposed to, they are less likely to chuck away something as presentable as a CD or DVD catalogue because of the novelty of such an item.

Expanded information

Whereas one 20-page catalogue can cost about R70.00 per unit (on a good day), a catalogue contained on a mini disc that costs about R12.00, will fit up to 1.4 GB of data, leaving lots of space for elaborate, colourful catalogues that span in the region of 300 pages. The value clients get from this type of advertising is way higher than wasting time and money on printing.

It’s no wonder disc marketing is still so prevalent in today’s advertising market.

What Google looks for in search criteria

Companies who make a conscious decision to ignore Google are cutting at least 60% of their potential client base. Just about everybody uses a search engine to search for what they need. Word of mouth and yellow pages are slowly dissipating in the bright glow of internet searching.

So what does this mean for business owners? Adapt or die comes to mind. It’s up to all of us to learn what makes Google tick; and if we don’t, our companies’ bottom lines are sure to suffer.

Take note of some of the important features Google will look for when your industry type is searched for:

Understanding keywords

Many of us already know that having a whole series of keywords and phrases on a website makes it easier for clients to find. But think of a baker who wants to optimize his online presence. He can’t just use the word bakery and baking five or six times on his webpage. Most people don’t think that way. Terms like Buy Chelsea buns online or Custom baked cakes would be a good place to start if you wanted to really zone in on specific needs of customers.

Regular maintenance

Google spiders are constantly on the lookout for sites that change their content around on a regular basis. This includes adding relevant blogs, maintaining landing pages and posting content up that gets people talking. External forums are also part of this process. The more people can be referred to your site, the easier it will be for clients to find you at the top of Google’s search list.

Trustworthy content

If you’re just posting stuff for the sake of posting it, you won’t get anywhere. It’s all about posting content that actually helps people to do something. Believe it or not, companies that offer free advice are often the ones that get the business because clients are more likely to trust them. Trying to monetize every bit of info you put forth will not encourage people back and forth to your site.

Quality control

So now that you’ve got helpful info on your site, you’re okay, right? Well, not exactly. If your content is full of spelling errors, punctuation flaws or grammar mistakes, Google has an algorithm to pick that up too. The constant fixing of these types of problems will keep your website up to scratch and Google spiders will notice the upkeep.

It’s advisable for companies to get hold of a decent SEO copywriter or to hire a professional SEO service to optimize their online marketing. Experts in this field charge small monthly fees to keep your site and online marketing relevant and up to date. This includes social media, blogging, website upkeep and many other valuable services.

How important is blogging to your business?

When blogging first became popular it was more a means to keep a public diary of something you enjoyed doing or admired. However, since the advent of social media, this is less necessary because we make our moods, likes and dislikes known to everyone on a daily basis through forums like Twitter and Facebook.

But where does that leave the blogging arena? The fact is people still like reading about things they are interested in as well as things that pertain to their industry. Blogging is a great way to inform your audience about relevant factors in your business. Not only that, but if your company isn’t blogging, chances are Google won’t find you easily.

Blogging as part of SEO

Blogging is an important part of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If your company is committed to adhering to all of Goggle’s search criteria, then you had better be sure to add blogging to your list. Having various blogs inside and outside of your website serves to make it easier for search engines to find your company through link building and keyword relevance.

The penguin, the panda and the hummingbird

Read about Google’s Panda update that was implemented in Feb 2011:  http://www.searchenginejournal.com/seo-guide/google-penguin-panda-hummingbird/ According to Google, search engines now look for websites that regularly maintain the content on their website. Constantly changing and adding relevant, keyword rich content will boost your search criteria and make it easier for your clients to find you online.

Building links and piling up keywords

External blogs are just as important as internal ones. The more external sites that link to your webpage, the more relevant Google consider you to be. When these articles are interesting and packed with helpful information, they are more likely to be read by people who find your topic relevant. In addition, because your blogs are filled with keywords that pertain to your industry, they will heighten your Google search score significantly.

Know what you are talking about

Besides all of this, blogging creates a culture around what you do and how well you do it. By writing articles about interesting and informative topics, clients feel more likely to trust you with their business because of your apparent expertise.

If your company keeps its blogging up, it will maintain online relevance in many different ways. If you don’t have an in-house writer, these tasks can be easily outsourced to companies who provide this valuable service.

What colours your emotion?

You can never overestimate the importance of your company’s logo. The colour and shape it holds says more about your organization than you think. The fact that people’s emotions are inescapably triggered when they view colours, says a lot more about branding than what a lot of us realize.

But which colours invoke which emotions? More importantly, what is YOUR brand saying to customers about your business? Following trends from various popular brands, let’s explore the vivid messages that are conveyed by brand colour.


When you see Coco-Cola, Lays and Wimpy brands, you immediately associate them with trendy. It’s all about what’s young and happening. Red conveys a message that speaks boldly to those who are attracted to strong, vibrant messages.


Did you just made your logo green because you liked the colour? Think again. Green speaks of health, nature and calmness. BP successfully gives us the impression that their fuel is more eco-friendly than their competitors’.

Companies who want to blast out a strong, loud message should stay away from this one. However, if your brand intends on depicting an organic lifestyle or healthy living, then it’s the perfect colour to represent you.


If you want to convey a message of reliability and strength, you logo should incorporate lots of blue in it. Blue is also often used for social media brands as it delivers a feeling of the trust that’s associated with social interaction. If you are an open communicator and want to put this across to clients, then blue is perfect for your brand.


Orange is all about fun and friends. Your surf shop or party planning business would benefit from a nice orange logo. Think of Fanta, Nickelodeon and Harley Davidson. These are all about recreation and good times.


Pink, purple and magenta convey creative vision and inventiveness. If you want your clients to see that your company is proficient in coming up with great ideas that can benefit them, your logo should be crafted out of this colour.

Barbie’s logo may be pink because it’s feminine, but this brand is also well known for its diverse selections in creativity and style.


Warm and positive, if your logo is yellow, your clients will get a sense of honesty from dealing with you. Clients who are careful to search out the best deal will gravitate to this colour because they feel that you are open and clear in your communication. Tyre companies, photography brands and couriers prefer yellow for their logos.


Black, white, grey and silver are neutral colours that send out a neutral message. If you want to come across as balanced, serene and composed, your line of clients may appreciate you for it. The objectivity of these colours will say that you know what you’re doing, and plenty of options are not necessitated by your clients.


SA television giant Multichoice boasts most of the colours we’ve mentioned here. This is because they offer diversity. A multicoloured logo—like Google or Ebay—show clients that they have multiple options when dealing with this company.

4 Ways video surveillance offers home protection

Many people fail to see the benefits that home surveillance brings in addition to their other security features. They have burglar bars, a vicious dog, high walls, electric fences and perhaps even a firearm. But still criminals find ways of entering your home; leaving you baffled as to how they bypassed all the security you’ve invested in.

What most folks don’t realize is that knowledge is often more powerful than a shield. Knowing the strategy of your enemy is by far more useful than putting up a barrier and hoping that no one gets through. This is where video surveillance can turn the dimension of your security right around. Here are four ways how:

  1. Know your weaknesses

Having security cameras around your home gives you much insight into where your vulnerabilities are. There may be a low point in your wall, a hole in your fence hidden behind a bush, or just a broken electric wire. Surveillance cameras ensure that you are constantly up to date with where you should up your security, and what areas you can relax about.

  1. Understand your enemy

That moment after a break in often leaves us feeling powerless and violated that someone was in our home. If your safety and the safety of your family has been compromised, you will want to do everything in your power to prevent a repeat occurrence. With security cameras, you can go back and check your log to see how your security was breached, and what you can do to make sure it doesn’t happen again!

  1. Pre-emptive security

One thing all criminals hate is having their picture taken. Knowing that there are cameras recording their every move is enough to repel a large number of them from coming close to your property. Many a burglar has been convicted because of captured footage via video surveillance. Criminals know this and are more interested in targeting a property where they have the element of surprise.

  1. Having enough time to act

A telephone in every main house room is a good security measure in case you need to call the police. You may even have a handheld security device like a firearm or taser. However, these won’t pose any threat to criminals if you have no idea they’re coming.

Having that gap of preparing yourself for a foreseeable attack can make the difference between life or death. Getting your family to safety and eliminating the surprise out of the assault will put you in a much more powerful position than just sitting around hoping for the best.

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How to write a compelling ‘About Us’ page

Clients who opt to visit your website will doubtlessly check your ‘About Us’ page first if they’ve never used you before. This page will hold a general body of information that gives your potential client a general overview of what you do and how proficient you are in doing it.

Getting a good idea of what information forms a compelling ‘About Us’ page is essential in drawing in customers to use your services and shun your competition. Here are some basic principles when endeavouring to write this descriptive page.

Answer the frequently asked questions

It helps to chat to your sales people and those in your customer service section. Ask them to list the ten most asked questions they receive from clients. Keep these on a notepad when you write your ‘About Us’ page and state the answers to these questions (without actually writing down the question itself).

Clients will appreciate the openness of information and gravitate towards your company because you’ve told them something that they wanted to know.

List your services

Certain clients won’t want to read your whole description but rather scan through it briefly. For this type of person, you will need to include a short list of your main services and/or products. Write this in bullet point form so that a rushed person can spot it when glancing over your page.

Be conversational

But for the person who wants to discover a more in-depth summary of your company, you’ll need some nice, readable content for this page. Be conversational in your approach and avoid the following styles when writing your ‘About Us’ page:

–          Being too ‘salesy’ – This will likely put the reader off instantly because no none likes having something hard-sold to them.

–          Too formal – Customers respond better to a page that’s casual in style as this generates trust.

–          Too braggy – Don’t blow your own trumpet too much. Rather adopt a style of professionalism that points out your strong points without getting too uppity about it.

Get an SEO expert

SEO writers who understand landing page and key word setups will be able to assist you with the content of your website. The ‘About Us’ page should be full of relevant information for the customer, but also for the  search engine that will bring the customer to your site in the first place.

The ‘About Us’ page is more important than you think, so don’t neglect it. Many a sale has been performed by this vital page before the client even got to the sales desk, so make it a good one!

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