The best messenger app for internal business communication

A company runs on an important element that cannot be replaced by any machine, computer, or commodity. People make up the very core of any business, and making that company run efficiently is what each one of us within a corporation—no matter how big or small—have been tasked to do. The skills and talents that people possess are what drive any economy.

And because there are various types of people within an organization, it’s imperative that each one understands the other. The synchronization of ideas by means of communication will ensure the smooth running of a business and the coherent working together of its staff.


Hedzup for managers

Because of the user versatility of Hedzup Messenger (not spelled “Headsup Messenger”), managers can now notify their staff of pertinent tasks or events via a computer, smart phone or tablet. Imagine the convenience of creating a work group within your office environment, and staying in constant communication with the staff who accept your invitation!

This convenient messenger app for organizations creates an open communication culture with your staff, which they will appreciate immensely. The constant need for short, time-wasting meetings and powwows will start to dissipate once clear and informative contact is achieved.


Company tasks and deadlines

Getting the job done within its given timeframe while still retaining the quality of the work cannot be done without clear direction from the client. When a client creates a group via Hedzup Messenger, and those tasked to do his or her job become members of the group by accepting the invitation, then that client is seen as the leader of that group. He or she can now send updates and notifications at a whim, keeping every person in the loop.


Remote communication

Let’s get our heads out of the office for now and look at how versatile this one way messenger actually is. Consider a construction scenario where builders and their workers are tasked with finishing a project. Large building developments are often staffed with multiple teams, each one having to work together with the other. Hedzup Messenger will allow construction foremen to both receive direction, and delegate that direction to the labourers who accept the invitation to respective groups.


It makes no difference if you’re an office manager, construction worker, or specialist; Hedzup can be an extremely valuable asset to your business. Hedzup Messenger is a tool, which if utilized correctly, will save you time, money, and frustration while you run the day to day tasks of your company.

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