The best messenger app for school communication

A school is an entity made up of multiple groups that all work together to function. Hedzup works the same way—with groups. As someone in a leadership or authority position, you can notify your group of anything important. Whether you’re the captain of your school football or netball team, or the head prefect of your school, Hedzup Messenger (not spelled “Headsup Messenger”) is an excellent and practical way to stay in contact with those who rely on you for direction.


Sporting events

Practice sessions, important games, and sport locations; your team always need to know where and when things are happening. You may be the team captain or the coach; either way, your team will be relying on you for quick and clear communication. Be sure you’re in control of every situation and make doubly sure that you don’t let your team down when it comes to the crunch.


School culture

There are always those students who take on a bit more than they can handle in terms of school activities. More often than not, it’s those same students who end being late for choir practice or their drama class. Make sure your participants are always aware of every session and every event. For those who have hectic schedules, a small reminder is a godsend.


Social occasions

Imagine being left out of the loop or forgetting about the school dance. Within the Hedzup one way messenger group, you and your schoolmates are constantly in a state of knowing when it comes to any school social event. Pick a designated person in charge of reminders, accept that person’s invitation, and you’ll have access to your notifications from your phone, tablet, or computer at all times.


Just for your class

Hedzup Messenger is ideal for teachers too! That reminder about an exam or assignment can make the world of difference to your students. Let everyone feel included and make Hedzup the standard for your class. Your students will be glad you did once they see the benefits of being assisted even when they’re away from class.


Once you get used to the communication benefits and convenience of Hedzup Messenger, you’ll wonder how you ever did without it. Ireland based developers are constantly improving on and adding new features which will become available as this messenger app for organizations grows in popularity. Get Hedzup now and learn how it can improve and organize your life.

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