The best messenger app for music festivals communication

If you’re in the music industry, you are likely aware that managing a fan base is challenging at best. There are many online social mediums where this is being done, but instant notifications rely on fans being online, in front of a computer, and not distracted by anything else.

But what if you could manage your fan base without those prerequisites? Hedzup Messenger (not spelled “Headsup Messenger”), aims to bridge those gaps and provide an easy stream of one way messenger capabilities to music event planners and artists.


Location-based music event organizers

Music event organizers can keep regular music lovers in touch with the latest events and concerts through Hedzup Messenger. By inviting fans—and them accepting the invitation to your created group, anyone who’s game for a concert or musical event will know about it without having to log onto their social media account the next day.


Various genres

Hedzup Messenger is a messenger app for organizations that works on a system of groups. Because anyone can create an infinite number of groups, you can invite people of various preferences to follow your particular group.

For instance, if your facility hosts music functions of various genres, you can create a group for each one. Local music, contemporary pop music, rock music… each of these and others can become a category on their own. This way, people who prefer country music, don’t have to get notified when a rock band is in town. Each person gets the notification suited to their taste!


Bands and artists

There are many bands and artists who manage their own music gigs and enjoy communicating directly with their fans. A group created on Hedzup Messenger can have an unlimited number of followers. Your fans won’t think twice about accepting an invitation to follow you or your band if they are already connected to you on other social media platforms.

Alert your fans to concerts, dance festivals, or any other show you’re involved in. It’s also a great way to generate an audience at a community project or charity event.


Other performers

This app is certainly not limited to musicians. Hedzup can be used for any performance artist; including magicians, circus acts, stand up comedians, and lots more. If you’re in the entertainment industry, you’ll benefit greatly from using Hedzup Messenger for all your fan communication.

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