The best messenger app for community communication

Hedzup Messenger (not spelled “Headsup Messenger”), is a messenger app that aims to simplify one way messages from community leaders to residents. This app was developed in Ireland and is undergoing perpetual stages of improvement.

Developers were particularly keen to customize Hedzup Messenger for the purpose of community communication. Issues such as safety, referrals, road accidents and lost pets; are just some of the great ways this app can be utilized in your neighbourhood.


Neighbourhood security

The majority of hijackings that take place in most locations happen in front of people’s yards. Criminals lurk behind walls and bushes to prey on unsuspecting motorists. Burglaries are also a big problem in places where residents are no on constant alert. For this reason, neighbourhood watch programs have been set up in thousands of towns and cities across the world.

Hedzup Messenger accommodates such programs well via its grouping system. As a neighbourhood watch administrator, you can create a Hedzup group for your community and invite residents to follow that group. Vital messages can be easily distributed to hundreds of families within the community in order to warn of suspicious or dangerous activity.


Community pets

The problem of losing pets within a community is always a growing concern to loving pet owners. Cats get lost, dogs escape from yards, and even birds can lose their way in the smallest of towns. Residents can now notify their entire community of a lost pet by simply letting a community group leader know about it. That group leader can then send out an alert to all residents to be on the lookout for a particular pet.


Collective recommendations

On the positive side, Hedzup Messenger is also a great way to give out a review about a restaurant or business. Good service should always be rewarded with a due compliment, and this messenger app for organizations allows residents to do just that. Stay in constant communication with the group leader of your community, and let them know about a great experience you had while you were out.


Traffic updates

For parents who drive their kids to school every morning, and those who want to beat traffic in order to get to work on time, Hedzup Messenger is an app that can really come in handy. In-community traffic jams, or stop lights that are broken down, can be reported at a whim by your group leader.


This type of constant communication between residents is what community is all about. Let Hedzup Messenger pull yours together by simplifying communication all round.

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