What’s the difference between IP and analogue surveillance cameras?

A question dwelling on the minds of many security conscious individuals is what the difference is between IP and analogue cameras. The short answer to that question is one word: resolution; but actually there is a much more intricate reason. Have a look at the following and find out if analogue or IP is suited to what you need.

Resolution differences

As you’ll be told by a professional, IP cameras—also known as IP network cameras—have a much higher resolution output than analogue. Higher resolution obviously comes in handy when and if you need to zoom into a subject in order to see it better. If face recognition is necessitated by your surveillance needs, the IP is definitely the way to go.

The costs of IP and analogue

The conversation that sparks the question, “What’s the difference between IP and analogue surveillance,” usually starts with a discussion about budget. Analogue systems are a lot cheaper than IP, prompting customers to wonder what the difference is and if they can get away with a cheaper system.

Well, there is a benefit to having analogue security cameras in your home or business premises. Analogue cameras actually perform better in low light. However, this is usually contrasted with the fact that small interferences can distort the signal quite easily. Analogue cameras are also not able to capture a wide view, whereas IP is quite capable of doing so.

How IP and analogue are transmitted

While analogue cameras capture footage in a format that is compatible with monitors and VCR, IP is a more modern digital signal which is transmitted into an encoded digital format. When your footage is digital, you can view it on a computer, the internet, or a handheld device.

Because IP has highly sensitive motion sensing capabilities, you will be able to identify an object, even if it’s moving fast. Fuel stations often use this type of technology to detect number plates, even if the vehicle is speeding away.

In conclusion

The benefits of IP are many, including high-tech motion sensors, remote access to footage no matter where you are, and even SMS sending when motion is detected (on some models). Analogue technology is over five decades old, making IP the more popular choice today.

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4 Ways video surveillance offers home protection

Many people fail to see the benefits that home surveillance brings in addition to their other security features. They have burglar bars, a vicious dog, high walls, electric fences and perhaps even a firearm. But still criminals find ways of entering your home; leaving you baffled as to how they bypassed all the security you’ve invested in.

What most folks don’t realize is that knowledge is often more powerful than a shield. Knowing the strategy of your enemy is by far more useful than putting up a barrier and hoping that no one gets through. This is where video surveillance can turn the dimension of your security right around. Here are four ways how:

  1. Know your weaknesses

Having security cameras around your home gives you much insight into where your vulnerabilities are. There may be a low point in your wall, a hole in your fence hidden behind a bush, or just a broken electric wire. Surveillance cameras ensure that you are constantly up to date with where you should up your security, and what areas you can relax about.

  1. Understand your enemy

That moment after a break in often leaves us feeling powerless and violated that someone was in our home. If your safety and the safety of your family has been compromised, you will want to do everything in your power to prevent a repeat occurrence. With security cameras, you can go back and check your log to see how your security was breached, and what you can do to make sure it doesn’t happen again!

  1. Pre-emptive security

One thing all criminals hate is having their picture taken. Knowing that there are cameras recording their every move is enough to repel a large number of them from coming close to your property. Many a burglar has been convicted because of captured footage via video surveillance. Criminals know this and are more interested in targeting a property where they have the element of surprise.

  1. Having enough time to act

A telephone in every main house room is a good security measure in case you need to call the police. You may even have a handheld security device like a firearm or taser. However, these won’t pose any threat to criminals if you have no idea they’re coming.

Having that gap of preparing yourself for a foreseeable attack can make the difference between life or death. Getting your family to safety and eliminating the surprise out of the assault will put you in a much more powerful position than just sitting around hoping for the best.

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