5 ways video streaming can benefit your business

Technology has advanced to the point of giving both customers and businesses an immense amount of power. Instead of relying on adverts, customers can now browse user-created reviews, compare prices, seek expert opinions and more. It’s futile for a business to try and regain the position of superiority. Instead, businesses should embrace this newfound balance and remember that customers now also have unprecedented purchasing power.

One such technological advancement is online video streaming. With the broadband internet connection being commonplace, it’s possible for a business to get untold amounts of adverts and new customers—simply due to the fact that one of its videos or video streams went viral.

Let’s take a look at 5 benefits video streaming can offer to your business:


  1. Immediacy

Never before could a business have such immediate contact with the customer as today. There is a certain allure in being virtually present as an event happens as opposed to watching a recording. This is the same element that makes reality shows so popular. An unpredictable nature has viewers on the edge of their seats.


  1. Condensation of information

A picture says a lot more than a page of words. Instead of detailing in writing what your product is and how it’s used, why not show it live to potential buyers?


  1. Lower production costs

You can setup video streaming backend for a relatively low cost compared to the traditional cost of video production. True, this also means that production values will not be as high and the audience will be exposed to blunders of the filming crew, but that doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing since it gives a realism to the content that consumers appreciate.


  1. Flexibility

Typical production of a video or an advertisement involves a lot of people doing a lot of unnecessary work. This translates into a lot of money lost for no reason. Yet that is the way it’s always been done. With video streaming, it’s possible to have a one-man-crew which cuts down costs immensely and makes on-the-fly, daily changes possible.


  1. Spontaneity

With online video streaming, it’s possible to simply start streaming and speak your mind. This gives a certain genuine feel to the content, which simply would not exist before. In the old business model, spontaneity was a terrifying idea; but now the way people see businesses has changed dramatically. Carefully crafted corporate images are a thing of the past as people can keenly distinguish between artificial and genuine content. Whoever is unable or unwilling to adapt to this fact will go the way of the dodo bird.

Internet videos – What’s next?

Did you know that there are currently PCs, Macs and laptops in production that do not contain disc drives in them? With the advent of USB flash discs, downloadable music websites and digital movie databases, the once hailed CD and DVD are slowly becoming more of an advertising product than an entertainment or educational one.

But there’s a new player on the scene that’s growing in popularity at a daily rate which has slowly started to replace this outdated medium:

 Video streaming – The next frontier in online audio and visual

Watching videos online isn’t new to us. However, being able to host your own videos on your own website is a concept that has far-reaching implications to your profit margins. Imagine being able to keep an archive of your video footage on your website and then having the means to sell those videos to your clients.

If you’re in the business of selling expert information, consultation advice or abstract methodology, then you’re in the market for monetizing videos to the public.

 How to monetize your videos

Setting up pay gates and forcing people to pay you before they can view your videos is a challenge of the past. Video streaming technology is now available to business owners who want to give easy access to their customers without all the hassles.

The system works in such a way that the video cannot be viewed or downloaded without rendering the asked-for fee first. Once the client has paid, there’s no complicated “Wait two hours for a link to be emailed to you” which ends up taking the client to another website. Rather, the video remains on your site, and the paying client can view it at any time.

 Corporate use – Maintain your video rights

It’s easy enough to post your videos on sites like YouTube or Vimeo, but once you do so, your video becomes the property of the site that hosts it. Hosting your video from your own website is the only way to retain the rights to your material.

 Time and money

Because the manufacturing aspect is cut out of this method of video distribution, the time it takes to make these videos available is severely reduced. Producing a series of DVDs, packaging them and distributing them, also costs a significant amount of money. Making them available on your website is a much more convenient method to keep your clients happy and your overheads at a bare minimum.