The best messenger app for gated community communication

Within a complex, Hedzup Messenger (not spelled “Headsup Messenger”) really shines as an excellent method of communicating to residents. The policies of the complex are never in question when they can be periodically sent as reminders. In addition, any changes within the complex will never catch any resident by surprise if they are being regularly updated about them.

Hedzup Messenger allows the head of a body corporate to create a group and invite members of the complex to follow that group. From there, the leader of the group can notify residents of anything while receiving information from individuals.


Rules and regulations

Gated communities—especially large estates—function on a set of rules that must be adhered to in order to keep things running smoothly. Whether rules and regulations have been amended, or new ones added, these can be easily communicated to residents via Hedzup Messenger.

The one way messenger system of Hedzup Messenger allows a body corporate, or the head of trustees, to alert residents directly through their cell phones, computers, or tablets. This means that no one is kept out of the loop whenever rules are changed within the complex.


Safety issues

Criminal activity within a complex is best quenched when residents are aware of what’s taking place. A gated community is already a form of neighbourhood watch, and Hedzup Messenger compliments this watch system by adding easy to use communication to the party.

This messenger app for organizations is also perfect for alerting parents to safety issues that affect their children. Whether there’s a dangerous dog on the loose, or a reckless driver within the complex, the leader of a group will be able to warn parents of these dangers.


Maintenance notifications

Hedzup Messenger can also be used to alert residents of the following maintenance services:

  • The garden service that tends to your complex
  • The painting of gates, garage doors, or light poles
  • The fixing of roofs or amending of lights by maintenance workers

The legal aspects of insurance claims will also be well monitored by Hedzup’s easy to understand one way messenger application.


If you’re on the board of trustees at your complex, or if you work within a body corporate management company, consider the versatility of Hedzup Messenger. It’s a logical way to keep things ordered and controlled within the confines of any gated community, no matter what the size may be.

The best messenger app for community communication

Hedzup Messenger (not spelled “Headsup Messenger”), is a messenger app that aims to simplify one way messages from community leaders to residents. This app was developed in Ireland and is undergoing perpetual stages of improvement.

Developers were particularly keen to customize Hedzup Messenger for the purpose of community communication. Issues such as safety, referrals, road accidents and lost pets; are just some of the great ways this app can be utilized in your neighbourhood.


Neighbourhood security

The majority of hijackings that take place in most locations happen in front of people’s yards. Criminals lurk behind walls and bushes to prey on unsuspecting motorists. Burglaries are also a big problem in places where residents are no on constant alert. For this reason, neighbourhood watch programs have been set up in thousands of towns and cities across the world.

Hedzup Messenger accommodates such programs well via its grouping system. As a neighbourhood watch administrator, you can create a Hedzup group for your community and invite residents to follow that group. Vital messages can be easily distributed to hundreds of families within the community in order to warn of suspicious or dangerous activity.


Community pets

The problem of losing pets within a community is always a growing concern to loving pet owners. Cats get lost, dogs escape from yards, and even birds can lose their way in the smallest of towns. Residents can now notify their entire community of a lost pet by simply letting a community group leader know about it. That group leader can then send out an alert to all residents to be on the lookout for a particular pet.


Collective recommendations

On the positive side, Hedzup Messenger is also a great way to give out a review about a restaurant or business. Good service should always be rewarded with a due compliment, and this messenger app for organizations allows residents to do just that. Stay in constant communication with the group leader of your community, and let them know about a great experience you had while you were out.


Traffic updates

For parents who drive their kids to school every morning, and those who want to beat traffic in order to get to work on time, Hedzup Messenger is an app that can really come in handy. In-community traffic jams, or stop lights that are broken down, can be reported at a whim by your group leader.


This type of constant communication between residents is what community is all about. Let Hedzup Messenger pull yours together by simplifying communication all round.

The best messenger app for events and conferences

People are always coming together, whether it’s for business, pleasure, or a mixture of the two. Business events demand a high level of organization, and communication is a key element for effective planning.

One way that communication can be successfully attained is through a new Irish-developed app called Hedzup Messenger (not spelled “Headsup Messenger”). It’s a one way messenger that functions upon a ‘groups’ principle. Groups are created by leaders, and invites are sent to potential followers for the sake of receiving pertinent messages. Take a look at some of the scenarios our developers had in mind when creating Hedzup Messenger.


Expos and tradeshows

For something as intricate and busy as a tradeshow, Hedzup Messenger offers a helpful solution. Invite your exhibitors to a group created specifically for them. Keep exhibitors up to date about parking, stall information, and different ways of promoting their products. This will eliminate the constant frustration of having to queue at the information stand all the time.

In the same way, create another group for visitors. Anyone attending the tradeshow can receive time sensitive information about what events are taking place during the expo and where they need to go to be a part of it.


Facilities at events

In terms of facilities, being able to communicate to everyone present is also very beneficial. Bathroom locations, parking facilities, or some area that is temporarily out of service; your patrons will appreciate being kept in the loop at all times.


Charge for promoting stalls

Still looking at expos, imagine being in the driver seat at a show and being able to advertise directly to visitors. You’ll be able to sell this service to your exhibitors by sending out a special notification regarding their stall or promoted product.

But you don’t have to run a tradeshow to utilize Hedzup Messenger. As an exhibitor at one, you will have the opportunity to retrieve details from those who visit your stand. Use this information to invite them to your Hedzup group, and keep them in the loop about your product long after the tradeshow is over.


Event planners

For in-house corporate events, Hedzup’s messenger app for organizations is a must for sending out important info to attendees. Time, location, eating arrangements; these are all factors that can be communicated to everyone attending. An invite from a group leader to receive updated information will be appreciated by all involved so that the utmost efficiency is achieved during any business meeting.

The best messenger app for music festivals communication

If you’re in the music industry, you are likely aware that managing a fan base is challenging at best. There are many online social mediums where this is being done, but instant notifications rely on fans being online, in front of a computer, and not distracted by anything else.

But what if you could manage your fan base without those prerequisites? Hedzup Messenger (not spelled “Headsup Messenger”), aims to bridge those gaps and provide an easy stream of one way messenger capabilities to music event planners and artists.


Location-based music event organizers

Music event organizers can keep regular music lovers in touch with the latest events and concerts through Hedzup Messenger. By inviting fans—and them accepting the invitation to your created group, anyone who’s game for a concert or musical event will know about it without having to log onto their social media account the next day.


Various genres

Hedzup Messenger is a messenger app for organizations that works on a system of groups. Because anyone can create an infinite number of groups, you can invite people of various preferences to follow your particular group.

For instance, if your facility hosts music functions of various genres, you can create a group for each one. Local music, contemporary pop music, rock music… each of these and others can become a category on their own. This way, people who prefer country music, don’t have to get notified when a rock band is in town. Each person gets the notification suited to their taste!


Bands and artists

There are many bands and artists who manage their own music gigs and enjoy communicating directly with their fans. A group created on Hedzup Messenger can have an unlimited number of followers. Your fans won’t think twice about accepting an invitation to follow you or your band if they are already connected to you on other social media platforms.

Alert your fans to concerts, dance festivals, or any other show you’re involved in. It’s also a great way to generate an audience at a community project or charity event.


Other performers

This app is certainly not limited to musicians. Hedzup can be used for any performance artist; including magicians, circus acts, stand up comedians, and lots more. If you’re in the entertainment industry, you’ll benefit greatly from using Hedzup Messenger for all your fan communication.

The best messenger app for your fashion retail store communication

Clothing stores can greatly benefit from the new one way messenger app that’s making its way to every person’s pocket. Hedzup Messenger (not spelled “Headsup Messenger”), is simply a must for every clothing and fashion retail store that wishes to stay in touch with technology and remain competitive within its industry.

Here are some great ways this awesome messenger app for organizations can benefit you as a retail store owner or manager.


Staff management

One great feature Hedzup Messenger has is one of being able to send staff messages directly from management. Name your employee of the month, announce a birthday, or simply assign store tasks. Because you create groups within your store—separate ones for staff and customers—you can manage those groups easily with Hedzup Messenger.


Dividing of multiple fashion types

As the marketing administrator of your store, create various groups for your customers. Once you’ve created, for instance; a group for men’s clothing, a group for women’s clothing, a group for children’s clothing, you can invite your customers to be a part of those groups.

Parents will then get notified of specials you’re having on kiddies’ clothes, while men and women get messages about great deals available in their range. Hedzup Messenger is a great way to stay in touch with your clients, ensuring repeat business on a continual basis.


Fashion paraphernalia

For clothing stores that supply more than just clothes, consider using Hedzup Messenger to promote your colognes, perfumes, makeup, and whatever other home accessories you offer. Hedzup Messenger is so versatile, that you can use it for just about anything.

You can now easily stay in touch with customers who show an interest in a certain category of products. Knowing your clients and what they want is key to growing your business and generating profits.


Upcoming improvements

Hedzup Messenger doesn’t have picture sending capabilities yet, but this Irish based messenger app is constantly being improved upon by in-house developers. Soon, you will be able to advertise pictures of your products, enticing your clients to not only get informed about the price, but know exactly what they are purchasing too.


Make the change to Hedzup Messenger and discover the unlimited methods you can use it to improve your fashion retail store. Your clients will love the technological trendiness you boast and be sure to frequent your facility more and more as our app improves.

The best messenger app for your hardware retail store communication

The ins and outs related to a well-functioning hardware store are many. As a store manager or owner, you know that managing a hardware retail shop can be challenging without the proper tools. Hedzup Messenger (not spelled “Headsup Messenger”) aims to be just such a tool. Hedzup is a messenger app for organizations where you can create a group, and invite others to follow.


Let’s have a look at the various hardware retail stores that can benefit from this type of service:


Perfect for paint shops

Hedzup Messenger can be used by paint shops as an excellent means to communicate to customers. Imagine being able to alert your clients about special deals within the paint industry. Even better, interior decorators can join a store group via Hedzup’s versatile one way messenger platform and receive notifications about new stock or dealer specials.


Beneficial to building suppliers

Stores that provide general building supplies are often massive. Isles and isles of various products need to be managed and at the same time made known to your customers. Hedzup Messenger is a great way to accomplish both.

Because you can create various groups from one account, you can communicate to both the staff of your store, as well as your customers. Use the group settings to communicate with staff during the course of the day, while at the same time alerting your customers of pertinent deals and potential savings.


Timber and metal warehouses

A great way to showcase the potential that Hedzup Messenger holds is to use a timber or metal whole supplier as an example. These factories often deal with contractors and large companies. But a significant percentage of their profits are also derived from walk-in clients.

Being able to separate these two fundamental groups via Hedzup Messenger would take a lot of the headache out of advertising the various elements of your products. With this easy to use one way messenger app, you can alert walk-in customers of your minor specials, while making the big discounts separately available to resellers and builders.


Hedzup Messenger is an Irish-based messenger app for organizations that has been specially designed to meet the requirements of hardware retail stores. Use this easy to understand notification system to strengthen and maintain the communication capabilities of your own store. Your customers will appreciate it, and you’re sure to see the difference in your profits in no time.